





Get an Internxt lifetime plan!

Securely store and share your memories forever with a unique, one-time payment.

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Get up to 75% OFF
on our exclusive lifetime plans

A lifetime of privacy and security for your files for a unique, one-time payment.

End-to-end encrypted

Open-source and audited

Anonymous account creation

Life is not short!
But this limited-time deal is...

Internxt is offering a deal on a lifetime of privacy and peace of mind.

Internxt secure cloud storage

Secure cloud storage with unmatched privacy

What makes Internxt so special? We’re a tight-knit team of professionals completely dedicated to protecting you online. Everything we do and every decision we make is centered on protecting your data from being exploited.

Internxt's commitment to privacy

Private by design

We don’t store passwords or user data and all of your data is encrypted in-transit and at-rest. Internxt puts you in full control of your files. Your data is your business. Protecting it is ours.

Uncompromising security

Your files are end-to-end encrypted before ever leaving your device. Thanks to zero-knowledge AES-256 encryption, you are the absolutely only one with access to your data.

Open source and transparent

We are proud of what we do, so our code is made public on GitHub and can be personally reviewed, audited, and verified by anyone. We have nothing to hide but your data.

Independently verified

We’re wholly GDPR compliant and 100% safe, but don’t take our word for it. Internxt has been independently audited and verified by Europe’s leading penetration testing company, Securitum.

The world's most private cloud storage

Protect the really important stuff with Internxt's secure, private, and encrypted cloud storage.

Select a plan now